Saturday, May 8, 2010

Edema Part 2 of 3

Due to the length of this piece, I am posting it in three parts. This is part two.

Edema is the accumulation of serum in the spaces between cells. Poor circulation is the typical cause. As blood backs up, it leaches fluid into those spaces, which then accumulates and causes swelling. It can be a symptom of disease or, as in my case, a result of obesity.

It takes only 3,500 extra calories to create a pound of fat. Each pound of new fat requires the body to create seven miles of blood vessels to nurture it. In my last Body Composition Analysis, I was carrying 150 pounds of excess fat. That’s over 1,000 miles of blood vessels to support that adipose mass; from Phoenix to Denver, Colorado. Is it any wonder my poor heart, now nearly 58 years old, is having some trouble keeping up?

So I was prescribed a wheelbarrow full of medications. I was already taking three pills that barely kept my blood pressure in check. After a zillion tests earlier this year, the only issue found was a slight enlargement of my heart due to my moderately high blood pressure; which try as they might, never seems to leave the 140’s. I was told to stop taking one of those pills as it can cause fluid retention.

In its place, I am now taking a strong diuretic that causes me to pee every 20 minutes for the first several hours of the day. The first time I took it, I had to pee like a Russian race horse by time I got to work! (Interestingly enough, that expression comes from the fact that racehorses are given the same diuretic I am on, presumably to lighten the load since water weighs eight pounds per gallon.) I am reminded of the doctor who once told me I was healthy as a horse, I just weighted as much as one. The nights will be rough if I take this one too late in the day.

Peeing a lot means the body looses crucial minerals, Potassium in particular. Potassium is critical for proper heart function. So now I take two Potassium pills a day. Staying with the equine theme, they are freakin’ “horse pills.” It’s a good thing I don’t have any phobias around swallowing pills!

The rest of the pills on Monday along with my exciting conclusion!

Take Care,

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