Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I just scrapped a rather scathing piece brought on by a friend telling me her parents had disowned her after telling them she was transitioning from their son to their daughter. But before I hit the "publish" button, I received a link to a 16 minute video on YouTube titled "Validation." I decided to write instead to those that have been abandoned by their loved ones.

I want you to know that you are a beautiful person and I love you. I don't love you because you can do something for me, although you give me more than I can express, I love you because my God loves me. He loves me simply because I am, no matter what I am and he does not require I love him back. Thus I love you the same way.

I love you because you are remarkably strong, so much stronger than others. You endured a raging battle in your inner self for years, even decades, but you moved forward despite the lack of victory. You cried silently night after night for fear that if you told, you would be thrown away. In the morning you dried your tears alone and began again.

You have a beautiful smile, a "truth" smile that can only come from your heart of hearts. A smile that cannot be denied because of the sweet freedom you experience today having married the image in your mind with the image in your mirror. You no longer wake up in a lie, but in the truth and that truth brings a happiness that is seen by one and all. It is your aurora of magnificence.

I love you because you know the meaning of sacrifice. Not the pitiful displays of so many, but true sacrifice of self and soul for others. In deference to others you postponed your heart's desires and even now, you defer so much of who you'd like to be out of consideration for the thoughts and hearts of those that have decided to travel with you in transition, giving them time to adjust and see you through new glasses.

I love you because you are courageous. When the time came to choose, you chose to be yourself despite the cost you would have to bear. Parents, spouses, children, relatives or friends, all who at one time or another had professed their love for you found this simple act of truth beyond that love. You wondered if even God hated you. In the face of this rejection, you walked into your new life, born again true.

I love you because you know what really matters in life. That respect and good character are much more important than what a person looks like. That love and generosity are more valuable than gender and a true friend is worth more than gold. You know that all of the Law and the Prophets are summed up by this one saying, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you."

With all my love,

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